Charts for Local Vessels
Charts for Local Vessels
Charts for Local Vessels is a handy size (530 mm by 373 mm) chart booklet comprising of some 59 pages of charts covering the whole Hong Kong waters. It is designed for ease of usage on board local craft and river trade vessels. To view the chart indices, please click
Navigational Information
In addition to the charting information printed on standard Hong Kong Charts, the booklet also contains other local navigational information, such as vessel traffic regulatory information/directions, chart symbols, names of places, etc. To view some of them, please click
Chart Corrections
Corrections will be issued where necessary through the "Notices to Mariners" biweekly. The information adopted in this chart booklet had been updated to 1 February 2018. For data updating thereafter, please click
here and download the relevant corrections.It is highly recommended to keep the information in this chart booklet up to date according to the "Notices to Mariners".
The charts inside the Charts for Local Vessels are shown on four different scales: 1:60,000, 1:15,000, 1:6,000 and 1:5,000. To view sample charts, please click